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Botanical Art Competition2025
(Competition Information)
Submission period |
10-01-2025 – 28-04-2025 (23:59) |
Division of competition |
- Open Division
- Secondary Student Division (F.1 – F.6)
- Primary Student Division (P.4 – P.6)
For each division:
- Champion: HKD 5,000 cash prize, a trophy and a certificate
- 1st runner up: $3,000 cash prize, a trophy and a certificate
- 2nd runner up: $1,500 cash prize, a trophy and a certificate
Assessment criteria
- Accuracy of plant characteristics 45%
- Drawing skills 45%
- Visual composition 10%
Panel of judges
- Dr. David E BOUFFORD (Senior Research Scientist, Harvard University Herbaria & Libraries)
- Dr. David LAU (Curator, Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
- Ms. Mimi WONG (Botanical Illustrator, Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Able to show the key characteristics and forms of the plant. |
Result announcement
The results of the Competition will be announced through the competition website on 24 May 2025. Awardees will be notified via the email regarding the award ceremony and prize collection. |
Submission format |
- Please submit the artwork documents via the online application form:
- One 2D Botanical illustration in A3 size (by digital painting, water colour, pen and ink, etc.) in scanned JPEG format of 300 dpi.
- Reference photograph of the plant in JPEG format of < 10MB.
- English or Chinese description of the plant (~50 words)
- Participant’s information: Name, school name/organization, tel. no., e-mail address.
- Only one submission would be accepted for each participant
- Illustration produced by artificial intelligence will not be accepted.
Submission method |
Please submit the art piece to the following URL (Accept online submission ONLY): |
Terms and Conditions |
Participation in the “Botanical Art Competition 2025” (the “Competition”) is bound by the following Terms and Conditions.
- Each entry has to be completed by one author only. Teamwork will not be accepted.
- Participants age below 18 on the last day of the competition period (i.e. 28 April 2025) have to obtain their parent’s or guardian’s consent to their participation in the competition, and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the competition.
- Each entry must accord to the submission format.
- Each entry must be an original creation which does not infringe any rights (including intellectual property rights, rights of confidentiality or privacy) of any third parties. A breach of this rule will result in disqualification from the competition or the awards. Should an entry breach any laws, the participant shall be held responsible for all legal liabilities. Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium (“Herbarium”) shall not be responsible for any liabilities.
- The results of the Competition will be announced on the competition website on 24 May 2025. Awardees will be notified via the email regarding the award ceremony and prize collection. Other participants will not receive further notification.
- The cash prize will be transferred to the bank account of the awardees after the Competition announcement. Awardees below the age of 18 will have their prizes collected by their parents or guardians.
- Overseas awardees will receive the cash prizes in their country currencies. Due to exchange rates and bank fees, the amounts of cash prizes may be less than the advertised amounts.
- Awardees have to provide proof of their personal identity to verify their eligibility for prize collection. If awardees cannot be contacted within 14 days after the announcement of the results, it will be deemed that their forfeiture of claiming the award and prize.
- Herbarium will display the entries and names of the awardees on the website, social media, and in the next competition posters.
- Herbarium and the panel of judges reserve the right to make final decision of the competition and related issues.
- The personal data provided will be only used for judging, contact and administration of the Competition. Herbarium will not transfer or use the personal data for other purposes.
For any enquiry, please contact please contact Ms. Wong via email (
遞交日期 |
10-01-2025 至 28-04-2025 (23:59 截止) |
參賽組別 |
- 公開組
- 中學組 (中一至中六)
- 小學組 (小四至小六)
- 冠軍:獎金 5,000港元、獎座及獎狀乙張
- 亞軍:獎金 3,000 港元、獎座及獎狀乙張
- 季軍:獎金 1,500 港元、獎座及獎狀乙張
- 植物特徵準確度45%
- 繪畫技巧 45%
- 構圖10%
- 哈佛大學植物標本館和圖書館資深研究科學家Dr. David E Boufford
- 香港中文大學生命科學學院胡秀英植物標本館館長劉大偉博士
- 香港中文大學生命科學學院胡秀英植物標本館植物繪圖師王家怡小姐
作品格式 |
- 網上提交作品時請備齊以下文件:
- 一幅A3大小的平面作品(可以電子繪畫、水彩畫、墨線圖等形式),並已掃描成300dpi 的JPEG電腦檔案;
- 繪畫之植物的參考照片(JPEG格式電腦檔案,大小不大於10 MB);
- 繪畫之植物植物特徵描述(約50字,中文或英文皆可);
- 參賽者的聯絡資訊:姓名、學校名稱/單位、電話號碼 、電郵地址
- 每位參賽者只能提交一幅作品
- 由人工智能繪圖生成的作品將不獲接納
遞交方式 |
請於以下連結提交作品(只接受網上遞交): |
條款及細則 |
- 參賽作品必須獨立完成,合作作品將不獲接納。
- 於截止報名日期前(即2025年4月28日)未滿十八歲的參賽者須獲得其家長或監護人同意報名參賽,並同意比賽的條款及細則。
- 提交的參賽作品必須符合所列明之作品格式。
- 參賽作品必須為原創及不會侵犯第三者的權利(包括知識產權、保密權或私隱權)。違規者會被取消參賽或得獎資格。參賽作品如抵觸任何法例,一切法律責任將由參賽者自行承擔,胡秀英植物標本館(「本館」)概不負責。
- 比賽結果預計在2025年5月24日於比賽網頁上公佈,本館將根據參賽者所提供的電郵通知有關頒獎典禮及領獎事宜,未獲獎者恕不另行通知。
- 比賽結果公佈後,本館會將比賽獎金匯款或轉賬至得獎者所指定的銀行帳戶。未滿18歲之得獎者將會由家長或監護人代領獎金。
- 海外得獎者之獎金將轉換成其居住地的貨幣。基於匯率和銀行手續費等因素,得獎者最終所得獎金金額可能會低於比賽宣傳品上列出的金額。
- 得獎者於領獎時需提供相關個人資料以核實身分及參賽資格。若得獎者未能於結果公佈後14天內未有回覆或能取得聯絡,即表示其放棄得獎及領取獎品之權利。
- 本館將會展示得獎者的姓名及參賽作品於網頁及社交媒體,並展示於下屆比賽海報中。
- 比賽結果及相關事宜以評審團及本館的最終決定為準。
- 所有經比賽遞交的個人資料只會用作是次比賽之評選、聯絡及相關行政之用,本館不會將資料轉遞或作其他用途。