Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.

Family 科

  • Convolvulaceae 旋花科


  • To be determined 有待確定

Stems, Branches and Branchlets

  1. Gland 腺體
  2. Absent 無
  1. Lenticel 皮孔
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Armature 針刺
  2. Absent 無
  1. Type 類型
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Bark 樹皮
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Shape 形狀
  2. To be determined 有待確定

Leaf/Leaflet Length

  • 葉 
  • 4 - 13 cm
  • 小葉 
  • To be determined 有待確定

Leaf/Leaflet Width

  • 葉 
  • 3 - 13 cm
  • 小葉 
  • To be determined 有待確定

Infloresence diameter/length

  • 2 - 10.5 cm

Sepal/calyx length

  • 0.7 - 11 cm

Petal/Corolla length

  • 3 - 4 cm


  1. Other note 註
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Shape 形狀
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Gland 腺體
  2. Absent 無
  1. Fruit characters 果實特徵
  2. To be determined 有待確定
  1. Fruiting period 果期
  2. To be determined 有待確定

Fruit diameter/length

  • To be determined 有待確定

Supplementary information

Annual herb with subterranean fusiform, ellipsoid or elongated root tuber, root tuber edible. Stems prostrate or ascending, rarely twinning. Leaves entire or palmately 3 -5 lobed, lobe broadly ovate to linear-lanceolate. Capsule rarely produced, seed glabrous. Flowering from October to December.

Links to database for literature reviews :

Links to database for literature reviews :




  1. Flora of Hong Kong: Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
  1. Flora of Shenzhen: China Forestry Publishing House
  1. Flora of China. Vol 9 (2003): Science Press, Beijing Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis
  1. Flora Republicae Popularis Sinicae (中國植物志): Science Press, Beijing

Acknowledgement 鳴謝:

Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation Native Plant Resources and Database in Hong Kong
