Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Donation Scheme


Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (“Herbarium”) is an important asset to the University, and is registered in the Index Herbariorum, a global directory of public herbaria established by the New York Botanical Garden in collaboration with the International Association of Plant Taxonomy. Among the 40,000 collections of Herbarium, most of them were collected and archived by Professor Hu. 

The Herbarium was established with three major missions: 1. To preserve our unique scientific assets including historical plant specimens, Prof. Hu’s manuscripts, education materials, and classical taxonomic literature; 2. To inherit traditional taxonomy knowledge with integration of modern scientific approach and technology, so as to initiate projects of scientific value. The deliverables would then contribute to our society in related aspects such as species conservation and Chinese medicine authentication; 3. To transfer knowledge to students and the general public by utilizing the scientific assets in the Herbarium and the research deliverables, so as to enhance their appreciation and understanding of plant biodiversity.

Under the grateful and staunch support from various sectors over the years, Herbarium projects have been successfully implemented. Since your funding support is crucial to our work, we are seeking generous donations from every one of you. The donation will be allocated to the operation and sustainable development of the Herbarium, including four major aspects as below:


  1. Operation and maintenance of the Herbarium’s research and teaching facilities
    • Archive of Professor Hu’s biography of her research and teaching
    • Storage cabinets of more than 40,000 plant specimens
    • Library of classical botany literature
    • DNA tissue preservation stock of native plants
    • Teaching and demonstration workshop
    • Specimen processing and authentication laboratory

  2. Establishment and Maintenance of botany databases in various aspects
    • Digital database of type specimens and voucher specimens
    • DNA authentication and documentation of Hong Kong rare and endangered plants
    • Taxonomy Archive System – detailed structure documentation
    • Gallery of microscopic plant structures
    • 3D database of fruits and seeds
    • Pollen structure and SEM records of native plants

  3. Research projects
    • Genomic study of plants of scientific interest
    • Research of rare and endangered plants in Hong Kong
    • GIS mapping of native plants and vegetation in Hong Kong
    • DNA authentication of Chinese herbs

  4. Education platform (including activity programs, database and publications)
    • Teaching and e-learning database for undergraduate students
    • Botany STEAM programs for primary and secondary schools
    • Botanical illustrations
    • Virtual reality trail of outdoor plant learning


Your support will help us to continue the Herbarium missions and projects. Please kindly fill in the attached donation form if you are willing to support us. Names of donors/organizations with donation of HK$50,000 or above will be inscribed on a donor acknowledgement plaque to be mounted in the Herbarium. Donors contributing HK$10,000 or above will become Friends of the Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, where members will be invited to join activities held by the Herbarium.


We would like to express our gratitude for your support!


Professor Kam Bo WONG
Director of the School of Life Sciences
Chairman of Executive Committee,
Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium,
Dr. Tai Wai David LAU
Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium,
School of Life Sciences,