Shiu Ying Hu Herbarium has launched four “Botany STEAM Education Projects” for the STEAM Education development of local schools. Details of the project schemes are shown as below:

Project Scheme

Activity Content

STEAM Fields

Community-based Campus Plant Survey
  1. Conduct the survey of vegetation distribution around school(s) campus and communities
  2. Indicate the plant locations by GPS coordinates
  3. Provide professional botanical knowledge, including common plants in Hong Kong and characteristics of flowers and fruits
  4. Enhance students’ learning capability of using STEAM skills to create Community Species Maps
  5. Create school-based VR plant trail
S (Acquire knowledge of plant science)
T (Use portable devices for recording)
E (Create geolocation for vegetation distribution)
M (Conduct the census of species composition)
Conservation of Protected Plants on Campus STEAM Education
  1. Nurture protected plants approved by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)
  2. Understand the scientific knowledge and value of the protected plants
  3. Utilize STEAM tools to collect plant growth data
  4. Use STEAM skills and apply plant growth data on protected species for the purpose of plant conservation on campus
S (Acquire biological knowledge on plant development)
T (Use scientific apparatus to collect plant growth data)
E (Create a custom data logger)
M (Conduct the census of plant growth)
Botanical Art Education
  1. Equip students with knowledge of common plants in Hong Kong and characteristics of flowers and fruits
  1. Utilize different STEAM tools to record the morphological characteristics of plants
  2. Utilize the technique of line drawing to record the plant characteristics
  3. Integrate the technique of colour painting with precise plant morphology to create a botanical drawing
S (Acquire knowledge of plant science)
T (Utilize scientific apparatus to observe the micro-feature of plants)
E (Create a custom device to record the micro-feature of plants)
A (Create the botanical drawings)
M (Conduct census of campus plants with common features)
Collection and Field Preparation of Plant Specimen with STEAM Education
  1. Equip students with knowledge of common plants in Hong Kong and characteristics of flowers and fruits
  2. Understand the principles of specimen collection
  3. Experience the techniques and procedures for field collection
  4. Understand the design and usage of specimen collection tools
  5. Acquire the procedures of preservation of fresh specimens after field collection
  6. Utilize a field log book to record the observation and collection data for the preparation of specimen labels
  7. Understand the procedure of specimen drying, fixing, sterilization and documentation
  8. Serve as teacher continuing professional development in STEAM education
S (Acquire knowledge of plant science)
(Acquire the technique of specimen preservation)
T (Utilize various technological tools to record scientific information)
E (Understand the design and usage of specimen collection tools)
A (Integrate aesthetics and science within specimen preparation)
M (Use statistical methods to record collection data)

為配合香港中小學STEAM教育發展,胡秀英植物標本館開展了四項「植物學STEAM 教育計劃」,項目簡介如下:




  1. 為學校及其附近社區普查植物品種分布
  2. 運用GPS地圖標示植物位置
  3. 提供專業植物學知識,包括香港常見植物及其花果特徵
  4. 提升學生的學習能力,運用STEAM技能製作社區植物品種地圖
  5. 製作校本VR植物研習徑
S (學習植物科學知識)
T (運用流動裝置作記錄)
E (設計植被分布的地理位置定位)
M (統計物種數量)
  1. 栽種由漁農自然護理署認可的受保護植物
  2. 認識受保護植物的科學知識和價值
  3. 運用STEAM 工具搜集成長數據
  4. 運用STEAM 所收集的數據應用於植株成長,達至受保護植物在校異地保育
S (學習植物科成長知識)
T (運用科學裝置收集成長數據)
E (設計數據記錄器材)
M (統計成長數據)
  1. 學習香港常見植物及其花果特徵
  2. 運用不同STEAM 工具記錄各類植物的特徵和結構
  3. 運用黑白繪畫技術記錄植物特徵
  4. 融合彩色繪畫技巧與精確的植物形態,學習繪製植物科學畫作
S (學習植物科學知識)
T (運用科學裝置觀察微細植物特徵)


  1. 學習香港常見植物及其花果特徵
  2. 了解野外採集植物標本的科學原則
  3. 體驗野外採集植物標本所需要的技巧及過程
  4. 認識採集工具及了解其設計及操作方法
  5. 學習野外採集後的保存方法
  6. 運用採集記錄編寫標本標籤
  7. 了解標本乾製、釘裝、消毒及存檔過程
  8. 可作為STEAM教師持續進修的培訓活動

T (運用各種科技工具配合記錄所需的科學資料)
E (認識採集工具及了解其設計及操作方法)
A (認識壓製標本時需同時兼具美觀及科學觀察)
M (運用統計方式記錄野外採集數據)

Nine pilot schools have participated the project scheme, including: (listed in no particular order)


  • 柴灣角天主教小學 Chai Wan Kok Catholic Primary School
  • 福建中學附屬學校 Fukien Secondary School Affiliated School
  • 秀茂坪天主教小學 Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School
  • 筲箕灣東官立中學 Shau Kei Wan East Government Secondary School
  • 聖士提反女子中學 St. Stephen’s Girls College
  • 大角嘴天主教小學(海帆道) Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School (Hoi Fan Road)
  • 天水圍循道衛理小學 Tin Shui Wai Methodist Primary School
  • 東涌天主教學校(中小學部同時參與) Tung Chung Catholic School (Primary & Secondary)
  • 荃灣天主教小學 Tsuen Wan Catholic Primary School

Enquiry or Collaborate 查詢或合作:

  • (852) 3943 8583 Mr Wong 曾小姐

Acknowledgement 鳴謝:

Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation Native Plant Resources and Database in Hong Kong